About Us.
During the Covid Pandemic the thoughts about starting this company began. The thoughts about starting something by my own. After I went out of high school I started skissing on some ideas of how my brand should be. Started to think about things that could be connected to exercising and gym training, started to think about a name and logo design. Then, in the begginning of 2022, I started my company with the name Grizzly Gym Wear.
Where came the idea to start a gym brand?
Since I have always been intrested and have a big passion in training, it was an obvious decision! For me, to start an own gym wear would be a very exciting journey. With me having clear goals to hopefully inspire more people to exercise and make them their best versions of themselfs, of course with the help of our clothing in form of confidence and comfort.
The Grizzly journey has only started and if you are new to our community I just want to say welcome! And hope you are willing to be a part of a big journey, at least I want to help and be a part of yours!
//Jonathan Johnsson Founder & CEO